

Joan is a Nurse Practitioner and a primary caregiver who shares her knowledge in the local clinics and with the villagers. As a result, we have held Blood Pressure Clinics, Breast Exam Clinics, and Diabetic Teaching and Health Examinations for the communities we are working in.

We work through local churches, who announce our coming and invite the community to the clinics. Our relationships have provided excellent opportunities to help people with their health needs, share Christ, and pray with them. The teaching is critical, because Joan explains the purpose of the different exams and the benefits ahead of time. This educational component is key to improving their health care where possible.

Water Is Life has invested in two church-run community clinics. We have purchased a microscope to allow the doctor to determine the type of treatment for malaria patients. We also have provided another clinic with a much-needed maternity wing, medications, and other diagnostic equipment. The clinics are one way we reach the community, meeting both physical and spiritual needs.

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