Joe Weaver Bio

Joe Weaver Bio

Joe Weaver grew up a world traveler, as he was the son of a US Army Sr. Master Sergeant, living abroad while his father was stationed at various bases throughout the Orient. Joe attended the University of California, Riverside, and majored in Sociology and Commercial Art. His career was with the Riverside Probation Department, where he worked in the Juvenile Division for 30 years as Senior Counselor, Duty Officer, and Probation Officer.

He retired in 2001 and has spent several years post-retirement as Executive Director of numerous centers in the Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation industry. In their church in Lake Arrowhead, Joe has been involved in ministry with the youth, Men’s Ministry, and Life Groups, and worked with his wife, Dana, as a set designer for their Vacation Bible School programs.

Joe brings much experience and talent to our Tanzania team, working with the children at Vacation Bible School, teaching the men, and encouraging the leaders and people we minister to with his contagious joy. Dana and Joe are financial supporters of Water Is Life.

Dana and Joe are financial supporters of Water Is Life.

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